A League of Their Own Costumes

When their men went off to fight World War II, women stepped up and kept things going on the home front. They worked in factories, repaired equipment, and did just about anything else that needed doing. That even included baseball! Chicago Cubs owner Philip K. Wrigley founded the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League because he feared that Major League Baseball teams would have to stop playing because many players went to war. Women's baseball teams, such as the Rockford Peaches, Racine Belles, Kenosha Comets, and the South Bend Blue Sox, started popping up all over the midwest. In 1992, Penny Marshall made a movie about the women who had A League of Their Own, featuring a star-studded cast rocking those pink Rockford Peaches uniforms.
If you like to play baseball without crying, you might want one of our A League of Their Own girls' baseball costumes. We can give you the look with these Rockford Peaches Halloween costumes, but you'll have to practice pitching, hitting and fielding on your own... just remember: there's no crying in baseball!