Deadpool Costumes

We recently got a message from some guy claiming to be involved with some Weapon X program. He wanted us to share it with you.
“HEY! Deadpool here. I’ve taken control of the internet and am contacting you from a super-secret location, or maybe not. I really don’t know, but I do have an ultra-secret mission for you. I’ve given it the code name Dress-Up-Like-Me-And-Mess-With-Superheroes. Pretty cool codename, huh? (It certainly beats Dress-Up-Like-Me-And-Mess-With-Household-Cleaning-Agents!) The first step to your mission is to get a Deadpool cosplay costume like mine. This page right here has a whole bunch of different ones to choose from, like classic Deadpool costumes for adults, Lady Deadpool costumes and some character hoodies. They’ve got what plants crave. They also have what you crave: me!”
Forever and Ever Yours,
Wade Wilson