Shark Costumes

A giant mass of cartilage, teeth and bad attitude, the shark holds the title of the most fearsome predator of the seas. But why stop there? Just because the deadly fish features a body designed for aquatic hunting doesn't mean that it has to stay put in the world's oceans. With one of our shark costumes, you can turn every galeophobe's worst nightmare into a reality!
Our shark costumes range from adorable baby shark costume buntings, or those little fish in your life who haven't gotten their hunting teeth yet to adult shark costumes, to even a shark outfit for your puppy. The one thing that all these Halloween costumes share is their unmatched ability to make the wearer feel like swimming through the water, attacking anything they feel like. And why not? Sharks do what they want. They're the king of the sea, just like you'll be king of the whatever-it-is-you-want-to-be-king-of in one of our shark costumes.
This year, swim around the neighborhood collecting candy in a shark Halloween costume!